North Myrtle Beach Golf Courses
List of golf courses in North Myrtle Beach,SC and surrounding areas.
If you're looking for a full list of golf courses in North Myrtle Beach and other areas in close proximity, we've done the research so you don't have to. Sometimes it makes sense to play courses that are located near your accommodations. Why, you ask? Especially during the Spring and Summer months, the traffic in North Myrtle Beach and Myrtle Beach can be extremely congested. So, if you'd rather spend your time on vacation playing golf, rather than driving in traffic, we suggest you pick golf courses close to where you'll be staying.
HELPFUL HINT: Feel free to take a look at our complete list of 100 Myrtle Beach golf courses that encompass the entire Grand Strand.
Most people aren't aware that there are so many courses along the Grand Strand that are within a reasonable driving distance from North Myrtle. If you need help deciding which North Myrtle Beach golf courses you should be playing on your vacation in South Carolina, please feel free to get in touch with our knowledgeable golf directors.
DID YOU KNOW?: Tidewater has been in our top ten ranked golf courses for over 3 months.
Please note that not all of the golf courses listed below are located directly in North Myrtle Beach, SC. The surrounding areas as reffered to are: Loris, Little River, Sunset Beach, Ocean Isle Beach and others. Our golf directors will gladly help you decided which golf courses are within a reasonable driving distance from your accommodations.
If you'd like to see for yourself the actual distance from a certain golf course to where you'll be staying, check out our nifty golf course map!

Golf Course | Location | Architect | Price Type |
Aberdeen | North End | Tom Jackson | Medium |
Arcadian Shores | North End | Rees Jones | Medium |
Azalea Sands | North End | Gene Hamm | Budget |
Bald Head Island | North End | George Cobb | High |
Barefoot - Dye | North End | Pete Dye | High |
Barefoot - Fazio | North End | Tom Fazio | High |
Barefoot - Love | North End | Davis Love III | High |
Barefoot - Norman | North End | Greg Norman | High |
Beachwood | North End | Gene Hamm | Budget |
Brick Landing | North End | H.M. Brazeal | Budget |
Brunswick Plantation | North End | Willard Byrd / Clyde Johnston | Budget |
Cape Fear National | North End | Tim Cate | Medium |
Carolina National | North End | Fred Couples | Medium |
Crow Creek | North End | Rick Robbins | Medium |
Crown Park | North End | Robbie Byers | Budget |
Diamondback | North End | Russell Breeden | Budget |
Eagle Nest | North End | Gene Hamm | Budget |
Farmstead | North End | Willard Byrd | Medium |
Glen Dornoch | North End | Clyde Johnston | High |
Leopards Chase | North End | Tim Cate | High |
Lions Paw | North End | Willard Byrd | Medium |
Long Bay | North End | Jack Nicklaus | High |
Meadowlands | North End | Willard Byrd | Budget |
Oyster Bay | North End | Dan Maples | High |
Panthers Run | North End | Tim Cate | Medium |
Pearl - East | North End | Dan Maples | Medium |
Pearl - West | North End | Dan Maples | Medium |
Possum Trot | North End | Russell Breeden | Budget |
River Hills | North End | Tom Jackson | Medium |
Rivers Edge | North End | Arnold Palmer | High |
Sandpiper Bay | North End | Dan Maples | Medium |
Sea Trail - Byrd | North End | Willard Byrd | Budget |
Sea Trail - Jones | North End | Rees Jones | Medium |
Sea Trail - Maples | North End | Dan Maples | Medium |
Thistle | North End | Tim Cate | High |
Tidewater | North End | Ken Tomlinson | High |
Tigers Eye | North End | Tim Cate | High |
Random North Strand Accommodations
These condos are located in close proximity to most of the golf courses listed above.